Upcoming Events about Scenic Art- The Past, The Practice, and The Future
A Unique Opportunity!!
presented by Angelique Powers
Two events about Scenic Art are scheduled for Friday, June 23 through Sunday, June 24, 2017 on the University of Minnesota West Bank Campus in Minneapolis, MN. See the information for both events below.
•• EVENT #1 ••
Friday, June 24, 1pm to 5pm:
A Scenic's History: a look back at our past with the Scenic Archive.
Location: Elmer Anderson Library Room 120. University of of Minnesota West Bank Campus, 222 21st Ave S, . Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Session Description: The Scenic Archive is a wonderful asset to our community, and a great look at our past as Scenic Artists, Scenic Designers, and all lovers of great theatrical works. Come listen to the esteemed C. Lance Brockman, and Wendy Rae Waszut-Barrett talk about the history of this collection, how it shows the changes and development of rendering styles and why preserving our past will only help us in the future. Parts of the archive will be on display for an up close look and examination of the rendering style. After the event, attendees will be invited over to the Rarig Center building to get a hands on look at parts of the U of M Theatre Department's inventory of hand painted drops, many done in the historic style.
Cost: $22.76 to $27.49
Click Here to Register for this Event
•• EVENT #2 •• HANDS-ON!!

Friday, June 23, 2017 at 1:00 PM to Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 1:00 PM:
A Scenic's History in Practice : a look back at our past, practice technique...
Location: University of Minnesota West Bank Campus, Rarig Center 330 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Session Description: Come spend a weekend learning about our past as Scenic Artists looking at the U of MN Scenic Rendering archive, get hands on practice and skill refinement with a day of painting with historic techniques, and take part in roundtable discussions about how our past influences our future as Scenic Artists. Speakers/Teachers are the esteemed C. Lance Brockman, Wendy Rae Waszut-Barrett with Round Table help from Jenny Knott.
June 23: 1-5pm at Elmer Anderson Library, lecture and examination of the Scenic Archive of Historic Renderings.
June 24: 9am-5pm at Rarig Center Scene Shop - painting up a small project, focusing on the brush strokes that create light, shadow, and volume in the most effortless of ways. Discussion of Dry Pigments, use and history, and drops from the U of MN Theatre Department will be on display that showcase the methods being taught. Lunch will be provided by the Guild of Scenic Artists, and paint supplied by our friends at Rosco.
June 25: 9am-12noon At Rarig Center, finishing touches on projects, Round table discussions and more.
Cost: $145. Housing is not included.
Click Here to Register for this Event