USITT National Conference March 18-21, Cincinnati, Ohio 
Late Night Musings
by Todd Reemtsma, NBS Section Chairperson
What makes you tick?
How did you choose this crazy vocation in the first place? For the camaraderie? The creativity? The collaboration? There are so many reasons that we decided to get involved in the technical and design side of theatre and for many of us it may be different reasons that have caused us to stay involved. You know your own story, but do you know the stories of your friends and colleagues? At the upcoming membership meeting this month at the USITT conference, when we do our traditional introductions, let’s not only provide our name and area of interest, let’s share a bit of our “origin” story as well.
And speaking of the USITT Annual Conference, this month join other members of the Northern Boundary Section in Cincinnati, Ohio for the 55th edition of the USITT Annual Conference March 18th – 21st, 2015. If you are attending the conference, please plan on attending the Northern Boundary Section meeting on Thursday, March 19th, 2015 from 8:00AM – 9:15AM in Duke 251 of the Duke Energy Convention Center. At the meeting we will recognize our 2014-15 scholarship winners, do our best to determine the host of our 2015 Fall Conference, and cover a few other topics and housekeeping items. If you have agenda items that you would like to see covered, please drop me or one of the NBS officers a line prior to that date.
If it’s not fun, why do it? - Ben & Jerry (of ice cream fame)