USITT National Conference March 18-21, Cincinnati, Ohio 
Late Night Musings
by Todd Reemtsma, NBS Section Chairperson
What’s Going to Work? Teamwork!
I suppose I’m picking this theme because I’m on a retreat for work as I write this article trying to help determine what will help our company have a successful 2015. And while a part of that success is financial, there is certainly an aspect of success that is enjoying the journey and those that accompany us along the way. In the new year you may choose to make a resolution or some personal goals, but don’t forget to make some team goals as well. Do your best to be a good collaborator and align yourself with those that are equally interested in working with you. Those will be the journeys you remember most fondly.
2014 USITT NBS Fall Conference Recap
Thank you to Anoka Ramsey Community College, Peter Lerohl, and all of the student volunteers that hosted the 2014 NBS Fall Conference on September 5th & 6th. We had a lot of fun with our keynote presentation on Friday night from Christopher Lutter-Gardella of Puppet Farm Arts (and the interesting work he has been doing with found and recycled materials). We had a great selection of topics and presenters on Saturday and a lot of tough choices for which session to attend and a rare opportunity to see and hear sage wisdom from a panel of some of the legends of NBS. Congratulations to the Cover The Walls winners who won free conference registration passes to the 2015 USITT National Conference. Thank you to all who attended. Let’s start thinking about a location and topics for next year.
2015 KCACTF Region V Festival
The 2015 Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Region V Festival ( will be taking place this year at Normandale Community College, Ames/Burnsville Arts Center, and the Guthrie Theater January 18 – 24, 2015. It has been many years since the USITT Northern Boundary Section has been actively involved with the KCACTF Region V festival and we want to rebuild that relationship. Please plan on attending and stay tuned for ways in which you can help promote USITT-NBS.
2015 USITT Annual Conference
In a few short months many of us will be taking advantage of the close proximity of the next USITT Conference and for Cincinnati, Ohio for the 55th edition of the USITT Annual Conference March 19 – 21, 2015. If you are attending the conference, please plan on joining other members of the Northern Boundary Section on Thursday, March 19th, 2015 from 8:00AM – 9:15AM in a room that is yet to be determined for our section meeting. If you have agenda items that you would like to see covered, please drop me or one of the NBS officers a line prior to that date.
Congratulations to the applicants that were chosen for NBS Scholarships and Emerging Professional Grant to the 2015 USITT Annual Conference! Thank you to everyone who applied. Please check out the article in this newsletter to find the list of winners.
If you have events happening during the year at your institution that would be a benefit to the NBS membership, please share that information through the NBS Newsletter or by e-mail to the section. We will share our events with our neighboring sections in the Midwest and Heart of America and expect that we will see some opportunities to participate in their events as well.
If it’s not fun, why do it? - Ben & Jerry (of ice cream fame)