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Emily Carroll teaches public health and public health nursing at St. Olaf. 

Prior to teaching at St. Olaf, Prof. Carroll was the Director of Clinical Care at HealthFinders Collaborative, a community clinic for underserved populations in rural Rice County. She continues to work part-time as lead nurse practitioner at HealthFinders and carries a half-time teaching load at St. Olaf. Her clinical practice is in primary care with an emphasis on providing care in nontraditional settings, opioid use disorder and adolescent sexual health. 

Prof. Carroll began as a part-time simulation coordinator in the nursing department in 2018 and never left. She taught the pediatric nursing courses from 2021 - 2024. 

Prof. Carroll is a fierce advocate for nursing and believes St. Olaf nurses have the power to transform health care. Her research program highlights effective nurse pedagogy as well as demonstrating the capacity of nurses and nurse practitioners to expand access to health care to vulnerable populations, especially in rural areas. 

Prof. Carroll grew up in Toronto, Canada and lives in Northfield with her husband, two increasingly large children and one small dog. 

2024 - 2025 Courses:
NURS 316 (Fall): Public Health Nursing including clinical experiences in the Northfield and Faribault Public Schools, Rice and Steele Counties Public Health Departments, Rice County Jail, Laura Baker Services Association and St. John's Lutheran Church.
ID 325 (Spring): Case Studies in Public Health. 
NURS 319 (Spring): Complex Patient Care: Public Health/Community Care Components. 

2023 - 2024 Courses:
NURS 310 (Fall): Pharmacology. Co-taught with Dr. Bonfe.
NURS 315 (Fall): Medical-Surgical Nursing II. Pediatric Content + Clinical Experience at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus. 
NURS 319 (Spring): Complex Patient Care. Pediatric Component.  

Doctorate of Nursing Practice, University of Minnesota Twin Cities 2020
Masters of Science in Nursing, Minnesota State, Mankato 2012
Bachelor of Science, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
Bachelor of Arts, McGill University (Montreal, Quebec), 2001

Bonfe, L., Carroll, E. "Raising the SBAR". Nurse Educator, August 14, 2023. 
Carroll, E. “Teaching Adolescent Sexual Health, Consent and Confidentiality through Simulation.” Nurse Educator. April 24, 2023.
Carroll, E. “Implementation of office-based buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder.” Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, January 2022, 34(1).
Schmidt, C., Bernaix., L., Chiappetta, M., Carroll, E., Beland, A.. “Type 1 Diabetes Survival Skill Training: Perceptions of Children and Parents.” American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, April 2012, 37(2).

Professional Service:
Appointed Health Care Representative, Rice County Community and Justice Council, January 2023 – Present
Member, Northfield Hospital Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council, June 2021 – Present
Member, Rice County Mobile Opioid Support Team, July 2019 - Present
Member, Greenvale Park Community School Advisory Council, June 2014 – 2020