With this web site you can easily enter a Sudoku puzzle you are
trying to solve and see how it is done. Or you can select one of the
predefined puzzles included here to see how they might be solved.
Entering Puzzles
The fastest way to enter a puzzle is to enter it in
Advanced View. Just enter the
numbers of the puzzle row by row. Enter periods (.) or zeros (0) where
the puzzle is missing a number.
Solving the Puzzle
If you press "Solve" the Sudoku Assistant will run through all the way
to a solution in short order. Alternatively, you can press "Marks" just to see the
marks indicating all possible candidates for each cell. You can press "Hint" to
see what the Sudoku Assistant might do next, or you can press "Step" to have the Sudoku Assistant
take its next step and try to eliminate one or more marks.
Printing Puzzles
You will need to set your browser to print backgrounds. For example, with Internet Explorer, you will need to
go to Tools|Internet Options, select the Advanced (or possibly General) tab,
and check a box under "printing". For Firefox, under File|Print Setup there is a checkbox allowing printing of background colors and images.
For additional help, check here
Strategies for Solving Sudoku Puzzles
If you are new to Sudoku, you will find that the simpler puzzles
found in newspapers and magazines only require a few basic techniques.
The very simplest puzzles only need
cross-hatch scanning
Two additional techniques take care of just about all the puzzles you will ever see in a
newspaper. These include
block row/column exclusion and
subset elimination. A nice discussion of these
elementary techniques can be found at Angus Johnson's site.
click on a cell to set one or more values
Sudoku Assistant/Solver -- by Bob Hanson, St. Olaf College http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/sudoku