Density Altitude Effects on Speeds-To-Fly Calculations
Several fine pages discuss the general definition and calculation of density
altitude. Among the best are:
I thank Tom Waits for
getting me interested in the
effect of density altitude
on polar calculations. Until
he mentioned it, I hadn't
really thought much about it.
Welch, Welch, and Irving (The
Complete Soaring Pilot's Handbook,
McKay: New York, 1977), is
an absolutely must-read (if
you can find it) for
anyone interested in the subject
of calculations related to
The Question
All pilots understand that high
density altitude (read high
density altitude, not high
density altitude, i.e. conditions
for which air density is
such that it is like
flying at high altitude)
has a detrimental effect on
aircraft performance. The conditions
of high altitude, high humidity,
and high temperature all result
in air that is especially
low in density, and together
these three conspire to reduce
The question Tom had was
this: How does a polar
change when density altitude
is considered?
I posed the broader question:
How does density altitude
effect speed-to-fly calculations in
"Equivalent" Speeds
I turned to Welch, Welch,
and Irving for the answer
to this question and was
startled to (re)learn that polars
are generally expressed in
rather odd units. The drag
equation used for calculating
a polar includes in both the
parasitic drag part and the
induced drag part the term,
"rV2." Here
r is the air
density, and V is the
true airspeed. To remove air
density from consideration, the
trick is to replace rV2
which involves the equivalent
airspeed. Equivalent airspeed is given
the subscript i because
it turns out to be
the indicated airspeed for
a "perfect" airspeed indicator. Here r0
is the "standard atmosphere"
sea level air density.
The problem is that do
make this work, the true
rate of sink, Vs,
must also be replaced by
the equivalent rate of sink,
The polar is then plotted
as Vsi vs. Vi.
This leads Welch, Welch, and
Irving to conclude (page 261)
The performance curve of
the glider applies at all
altitudes provided that both the
forward speed and the rate
of sink are "equivalent" speeds.
It would appear that polars
are unaffected by density altitude.
The Problem
Unfortunately, while the equivalent
airspeed, Vi, has a
very practical meaning (indicated
airspeed), the equivalent rate of
sink, Vsi, has no
such use. No vario reports
Vsi. In fact, according
to Welch, Welch, and Irving,
mechanical varios accurately report
true sink rate, and
electrical varios display "something
like" the true sink rate times
(which may be considerably
different from sqrt(r/r0).
Furthermore, if wind and actual
lift or sink are taken
into account, those values
are always in terms of
true speeds. This makes
polars plotted using equivalent
speeds essentially useless if
one wants to consider the
effects of density altitude
on glider performance.
The Solution
The solution, it seems to
me, is to go ahead
and let the polar be
a function of air density.
That is, a truly useful
polar�one that can be used
to calculate speeds to fly�must
be plotted in terms of true
speeds, not equivalent speeds.
Of course, that requires on-the-fly
graphing, because different density altitudes
will produce different polars.
And that is exactly what
the Speed-To-Fly Calculator
does. It allows us to
create polars for a given
aircraft under a given set
of conditions of wind, angle
of bank, wing loading, and
density altitude.
The Findings
In a nutshell, Tom's intuition
was right on target. High density
altitude clearly diminishes glider
performance, although not necessarily
the way one might expect.
Several examples are provided
below, all based on data
for specific sailplanes.
In the absence of wind,
lift, and sink, speeds
to fly are unchanged
at high density altitude. This
includes the speed for best
L/D and the speed for
minimum sink. These speeds are
unchanged because they are
indicated speeds. Note, however,
that ground speed is increased,
because true speed must
be higher at high density
altitude to achieve the same
indicated speed.
Standard Libelle 15m
Wing Loading = 350 N/m2
76 (km/h,m/s) data points
Angle of Bank: 45 degrees
Wind from 000 @ 0 knots; Lift 0 ft/s
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Minimum Sink 3.4 ft/s at 45 knots
Best L/D 26:1 at 60 knots
Best Vgrd=60 knots (Vsink=3.8 ft/s)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Minimum Sink 3.7 ft/s at 49 knots true (45 indicated)
Best L/D 26:1 at 66 knots true (60 indicated)
Best Vgrd=66 knots (Vsink=4.2 ft/s)
In the absence of wind,
lift, or sink, L/D is
not affected by density altitude.
This is because Vi/Vsi
= V/Vs.
Schweizer 1-35
Wing Loading = 293 N/m2
151 (knots,ft/min) data points
Angle of Bank: 0 degrees
Wind from 000 @ 0 knots; Lift 0 ft/s
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Minimum Sink 1.9 ft/s at 34 knots
Best L/D 38:1 at 48 knots
Best Vgrd=48 knots (Vsink=2.1 ft/s)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Minimum Sink 2.0 ft/s at 38 knots true (34 indicated)
Best L/D 38:1 at 53 knots true (48 indicated)
Best Vgrd=53 knots (Vsink=2.3 ft/s)
Minimum sink and sink at the
speed for best L/D are
both higher at higher density
altitude. This is simply a
consequence of the y-axis
of the polar graph being
"stretched" in switching from
Vsi to Vs.
Wing Loading = 1.00 rel to 1
76 (km/h,km/h) data points
Angle of Bank: 0 degrees
Wind from 030 @ 20 knots; Lift 0 ft/s
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Minimum Sink 1.9 ft/s at 35 knots
Best L/D 20:1 at 49 knots
Best Vgrd=30 knots (Vsink=2.5 ft/s)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Minimum Sink 2.1 ft/s at 38 knots true (35 indicated)
Best L/D 21:1 at 52 knots true (48 indicated)
Best Vgrd=34 knots (Vsink=2.7 ft/s)
Headwinds and tailwinds have less effect
at high density altitude. (This
should make sense. The wind
has less oomph, right?
In addition, you are flying
faster to stay at the
best speed to fly.) Note
that for both minimum sink
and best L/D, you don't
have to fly as fast
(as indicated on your altimeter)
at high density altitude as
you would at a lower
Nimbus II
Wing Loading = 1.00 rel to 1
76 (km/h,m/s) data points
Angle of Bank: 0 degrees
Wind from 005 @ 30 knots; Lift 0 ft/s
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Minimum Sink 1.1 ft/s at 31 knots
Best L/D 19:1 at 59 knots
Best Vgrd=29 knots (Vsink=2.5 ft/s)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Minimum Sink 1.1 ft/s at 32 knots true (29 indicated)
Best L/D 21:1 at 61 knots true (56 indicated)
Best Vgrd=31 knots (Vsink=2.4 ft/s)
In sink or with a headwind, L/D is less
affected at high density altitude
than under standard conditions.
This is probably due to
the fact that although the
indicated airspeeds aren't much
different for optimal performance
at different density altitudes,
the true speeds can
be dramatically higher at high
density altitude. That means
that penetration is better
at high density altitude, leading
to a higher ground speed.
Ximango Polar Data
Gross Wt = 89728 Pa
101 (knots,ft/min) data points
Angle of Bank: 0 degrees
Wind from 000 @ 0 knots; Lift -5 ft/s
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Minimum Sink 7.9 ft/s at 53 knots
Best L/D 12:1 at 62 knots
Best Vgrd=62 knots (Vsink=8.6 ft/s)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Minimum Sink 8.2 ft/s at 58 knots true (53 indicated)
Best L/D 13:1 at 66 knots true (60 indicated)
Best Vgrd=66 knots (Vsink=8.7 ft/s)
Turning radii and the resultant altitude loss on turning
are both increased at high
density altitude. This is a
direct consequence of the increased
true speeds necessary for
proper flight at high density
altitude. Note that in any
case, the optimum bank angle
for a turn in order
to minimize height loss is
45 degrees.
Wing Loading = 350 N/m2
76 (km/h,m/s) data points
Angle of Bank: 5 degrees
Wind from 000 @ 0 knots; Lift 0 ft/s
Speeds are knots indicated
(height loss, radius) are in feet
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Bank V_Best_L/D V_MinSink
Angle (loss, radius) (loss,radius)
30 60 (47.7, 568) 49 (35.1, 368)
45 67 (42.1, 395) 54 (30.3, 258)
60 79 (47.7,322) 64 (34.8,209)
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Bank V_Best_L/D V_MinSink
Angle (loss, radius) (loss,radius)
30 60 (57.0, 668) 48 (41.5, 431)
45 67 (50.3, 472) 54 (36.2, 308)
60 79 (57.0, 386) 64 (41.7, 250)
MacCready calculations are largely unchanged taking density
altitude into account. Still, the
trend is to lower INDICATED
speeds between thermals and
higher TRUE cruising speeds.
Crosscountry (MacCready) Table
76 (km/h,m/s) data points for Janus B
Wing Loading = 350 N/m2
Vi (Vcruise)
where Vi is the INDICATED speed to fly between thermals and
Vcruise is the TRUE cruising speed
(true ground speed, taking account of time used to thermal).
Density Altitude: 0 ft
Climb |
Lift Encountered During Glide (ft/s) |
ft/s |
-3 |
-3.5 |
-4 |
2 |
65 (15) |
66 (14) |
68 (13) |
1.5 |
63 (12) |
65 (11) |
66 (11) |
1 |
62 (9) |
63 (8) |
65 (8) |
.5 |
59 (5) |
62 (4) |
63 (4) |
Density Altitude: 6000 ft
Climb |
Lift Encountered During Glide (ft/s) |
ft/s |
-3 |
-3.5 |
-4 |
2 |
64 (16) |
65 (15) |
66 (14) |
1.5 |
62 (13) |
64 (12) |
65 (11) |
1 |
60 (9) |
62 (8) |
64 (8) |
.5 |
58 (5) |
60 (4) |
62 (4) |
The Nitty-Gritty
If you aren't interested in how this
is done, just go back
to the calculator and
try it out for yourself.
What follows is a detailed
description of how the speed-to-fly
calculator was modified to
incorporate density altitude. Correct
me if I'm wrong....
All data were organized in
arrays Vi[ ] and Vsi[
] as equivalent speeds in
All data were converted to
true speeds in knots when
needed for any calculation.
All speeds derived from the
data, such as VbestLD and
Vminsink, were calculated first
as equivalent speeds, then
translated to true speeds by
dividing by sqrt(r/r0).
The standard temperature and pressure
for a density altitude in
feet (densalt) and the density
ratio r/r0
were calculated using the following
formulas. These values were
checked against standard
atmosphere tables and found to
be accurate. Note that these
equations are more precise
than the "standard lapse rate"
devices used by most pilots
for rough calculations.
stdtemp=stdtemp0 * (1
- densalt/145442) |
stdpres=stdpres0 * (1
- densalt/145442)5.255876 |
= s = (1
- densalt/145442)4.255876 |
Vtrue was calculated in
each case from Vequiv/sqrt(s).
(Thus, Vtrue is generally
greater than Vequiv.)
All data were converted to
true speeds in user units
prior to plotting or listing.
Happy soaring,
Bob Hanson
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