SciFinder Scholar is a new research tool at St. Olaf. It is very powerful and can be set up on any PC or Macintosh on campus. It is already set up on all of the computers in Sc353, so unless you are working at night, going to Sc353 is the simplest way to get to it. To use SciFinder Scholar 2000, simply find it in the "programs" section of the start menu, start it, and request to do a "reseach topic" search in this case.
When the results are returned (which takes generally longer than you might like--be patient), look down the list of titles for the icon that looks like a computer monitor:
Click on that icon to go to the on-line version of the article. Articles without that icon may still be available in the Science Library. We have quite a good set of journals there. For best results, select the PDF version of the article, not the HTML version, if it is available.
PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO CLOSE SCIFINDER SCHOLAR WHEN YOU ARE DONE. We can only have two computers logged on at any given time.