Notice for Spring Semester 2024-2025:
The Registrar’s Office will be staffed in-person Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CT, but some of our team will be working remotely on certain days.
We are involved with a new Student Information System software implementation some days and will return any messages as soon as possible after those times.
Please connect with us in the following ways:
- Tomson Hall 149
- Email:
- Phone: 507-786-3015
- Chat: current students may access the chat icon after logging into SIS.
To support the academic exploration, development, and progress of St. Olaf students, the Registrar’s Office welcomes students’ questions about navigating graduation, general education, and major requirements. Through accurate information and professional development opportunities, the Registrar’s Office supports faculty in their role as academic advisors. If we cannot answer your questions, we will refer you to the best sources of additional help and information.