March 30, 2025

Fourth Sunday in Lent (Year C)

This Sunday, churches around the world observe the fourth Sunday in Lent. Join us on Sing For Joy as we hear music to accompany the parable of the prodigal son and other readings for this day in worship.


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Scriptures for this Program

  • (1R) Joshua 5:9-12
  • (PS) Psalm 32
  • (2R) 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
  • (G) Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Softly and Tenderly (THOMPSON)Will Thompson / Will Thompson, lyricist / Ronn Huff, arranger (G)
The American Boychoir: Princeton, NJ / St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble, ensemble / James Litton
(CD) The American Boychoir: Hymn / EMI (ANGEL, EMI CLASSICS, EMI RECORDS, LTD) / CDC 7243 5 55064 2 9
© 1995 EMI (Angel, EMI Classics, EMI Records, Ltd), 304 Park Avenue South, New York, NY, 10010, USA

Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)Southern Harmony / John Newton, lyricist / Alice Parker, arranger / Robert Shaw, arranger (G)
Robert Shaw Festival Singers / Christopher Koch, tenor / Robert Shaw
(CD) Amazing Grace: American Hymns & Spirituals / TELARC / CD-80325
© 1993 Telarc, Concord Music Group, 100 North Crescent Drive, Garden Level, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, USA

There's A Wideness in God's Mercy (ST. HELENA)Calvin Hampton / Frederick William Faber, lyricist (G)
The Choir of All Saints' Episcopal Church: Beverly Hills, CA / Craig Phillips, accompanist / Thomas Foster
(CD) Hymns Through the Ages / GOTHIC / G 49074
© 1995 Gothic, Gothic Records, Inc. P.O. Box 414, Orcas, WA, 98280, USA

Just as I am (SAFFRON WALDEN)Arthur H. Brown / Charlotte Elliott, lyricist (G)
The Choir of Ely Cathedral / Scott Farrell, accompanist / Paul Trepte
(CD) The Complete New English Hymnal: Volume 3 / PRIORY RECORDS, LTD. / PRCD 703
© 2001 Priory Records, Ltd., 3 Eden Court, Eden Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 4FY, United Kingdom

What Wondrous Love (WONDROUS LOVE)William Walker / Robert Scholz, arranger (G)
The St. Olaf Choir: Northfield, MN / Anton Armstrong
(CD) Winter Tour 2014: Home Concert / ST. OLAF COLLEGE / Not For Resale
© 2014 St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, 55057, USA

How Can I Keep from Singing? (HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING)Robert Lowry / Robert Lowry, lyricist / Matthew Culloton, arranger (2R)
The Concordia Choir: Moorhead, MN / René Clausen
© 2019 Concordia Recordings, 901 8th Street South, Moorhead, MN, 56562, USA