• What is US-ITASE?
  • St. Olaf Radar Program and ITASE Results
  • Photos and Maps
  • Contacts and Links

The US-ITASE program is a platform for multiple scientific research projects that focus on spatial variations across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.  The primary goal of the 4-year expedition is to determine the spatial variability of the last 200 years across the ice sheet.  In cooperation with other international expeditions US-ITASE aims to contribute to how we understand ocean-ice sheet climate interactions, climate variabililty, and human impact on climate over the last 200 years.  The US-ITASE heavy-traverse platform offers capabilities similar to a large ocean-going research vessel with logistic and scientific support for numerous researchers while traveling long distances (1000+ km) with limited limited intermediate support.

(From the US-ITASE Executive Summary submitted to NSF):

In its entirety, ITASE incorporates a wide range of general scientific objectives. Those which are specific to US ITASE address the following questions: 

  1. What is the current rate of change in mass balance over West Antarctica? 
  2. What is the influence of major atmospheric circulation systems (e.g., ENSO) and oceanic circulation on the moisture flux over West Antarctica? 
  3. How does climate (eg., temperature, accumulation rate, atmospheric circulation) vary over West Antarctica on seasonal, interannual, decadal and centennial scales, and what are the controls on this variability? 
  4. What is the frequency, magnitude and effect (local to global) of any extreme climate events recorded in West Antarctica? 
  5. What is the impact of anthropogenic activity (e.g., ozone depletion, pollutants) on the climate and atmospheric chemistry of West Antarctica? 
  6. How much has biogeochemical cycling of S, N and C, as recorded in West Antarctica, varied over the last 200+ years? 

US ITASE provides an important spatial perspective for the shared research goals of a variety of research programs funded by the NSF, NASA and NOAA. Notably, questions 1-4 parallel closely themes identified by NSF's WAIS (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) intiative. It is expected that these overlaps of scientific purposes will make possible an efficient utilization of logistic resources in the execution of these linked research programs.

Complete US-ITASE Science & Implementation Plan (from the University of Maine)
Maps of US-ITASE routes

Direct questions about CEGSIC & St. Olaf low-frequency radar program to:

Direct questions about this website or US-ITASE radar data to:

Dr. Robert W. Jacobel, CEGSIC Director & US-ITASE Principal Investigator


Office: (507) 786-3124
Fax: (507) 786-3968

Brian C. Welch, Postdoctoral Researcher (2000-2008)

CEGSIC Mailing Address:

Center for Geophysical Studies of Ice & Climate
Department of Physics
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057

St. Olaf College undergraduate researchers:

Matt Bills - radar acquisition software: 2002-03
Ian Campbell - GIS and remote sensing: 2004-05
Kieran Cofell-Dwyer - radar processing and interpretation: 2003-05
Thomas Engle - radar acquisition & processing software: 1999-02
Robert Engle - RadarSat & LandSat image analysis: 1999-02
Allison Hagen - radar processing, interpretation, modelling: 2004-05
Scott Harris - radar processing and interpretation: 2001
Mike Helgen - radar processing and interpretation: 2003-05
Peter Pearson - radar data processing & interpretation: 1999-02
Logan Smith - radar processing and interpretation: 2001-04
Jonathan Von Stroh - radar acquisition software: 2001
Eric Wammer - radar acquisition software: 1999