Reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream, Antarctica

  • What is Kamb Ice Stream?
  • Science and Results
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What is the Kamb Ice Stream?

Within the last ~10,000 years the West Antarctic Ice Sheet lost about half of its volume and concerns have been raised about the possibility of its further retreat or collapse in the near future.  Such retreat and collapse could raise the global sea level by several meters, contributing to the near-future sea-level rise due to anticipated global warming.  A large fraction of this mass has been lost through the fast-flowing ice streams of the Ross Embayment. Yet these ice streams themselves are undergoing change currently with the stoppage of Ice Stream C (ISC) ~150 years ago and to the slowdown of the Whillans Ice Stream that has continued for the last several decades.

In order to evaluate the near-future contribution of the WAIS to sea-level changes we need to understand important aspects of the ice-stream stoppage process, such as: the mechanism of ice stream stoppage, whether such stoppage can affect other ice streams in the near future and whether the stopped ISC may restart in the near future? 

This project is a collaboration between ourselves at St. Olaf and scientists at the University of California Santa Cruz.  We are using ground-based ice-penetrating radar and GPS to investigate: (1) along-flow variation in bed properties, (2) deformation of internal reflectors, (3) temporal and spatial patterns of horizontal and vertical components of ice-surface velocity.  The data will be used to verify whether ISC is already experiencing a surge and to infer how long the current inactivity of the ice stream may persist.