DAC staff currently serve over 900 Oles with temporary or permanent physical, learning, sensory, health, or psychological disabilities.
In DAC, you can partner with our Access Specialists to establish reasonable Accommodations to ensure equal access. Your Access Specialist can guide you to additional academic services on campus or provide regular check-in meetings to help with accountability, goal setting, and planning out your week.
Accommodation Types
Academic Accommodations are changes or modifications that help to ensure that students with a disability have equal access to, and are not excluded from the same opportunities as their peers.
Click on the button below to view more on Academic Accommodations, including applying for accommodations for Graduate School Exams like the GRE, MCAT, DAT, etc.
Academic Accommodations: Getting Started, Renewing, and More
About Us
Disability and Access (DAC) staff are committed to ensuring equal access to the St. Olaf College experience for all students. Through collaboration with the entire campus community, DAC promotes disability pride, self-determination of the student, and universally accessible design principles so that everyone has full access to the St. Olaf experience.
Access Specialists
Laura Knobel-Piehl (she, her, hers)
Director of Disability, Access, and Technology Support
Office Hours: 8-4:30 M-F Click to set up an appointment
View Profile →Wyatt X Lawrence (he, him, his)
Accommodations Coordinator
Office Hours: M-F 8:oo AM to 5:00 PM To Make an Appointment Schedule Here
View Profile →Terri Rosen (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director of Disability and Access
Office Hours: Terri works remotely on Mondays so is only available for Google Meets. She is in the office Tuesdays-Fridays, and is available to meet either virtually or in person on those days. Click to make an appointment with me!
View Profile →Kendra S Weinrich (she, her, hers)
Accessibility Specialist